Surrogate gestation
South America Surrogacy helps future parents and surrogate mothers to meet in South America to start the process of surrogacy together.
Concepts, types and requisites of surrogacy
Surrogate gestation is an assisted reproduction technique through which a woman carries a baby belonging to another person. It is used by people and couples who cannot bear children..
The lady who provides her pregnancy capacity is called Surrogate mother. The parents to be, on their side, are called intended parents.
This technique consists of the creation of one or more embryos through IVF (in vitro fecundation) in a laboratory and the later transfer of one of those embryos to the surrogate’s womb, who carries it until the baby’s birth.
After delivery, the baby will be given to the intended parents, that is to say to that person o couple who were willing to have a child.
Types of families and requisites of intended parent candidates
Surrogate gestation is necessary for people and couples who cannot bear children in a natural way. All types of families have a right to have children..
Who can turn to surrogate gestation: – Heterosexual couples in which the woman has some womb condition. – Male couples and also single couples also need this technique to form their families.
The requisites for intended parents depend on the countries where the surrogacy process is carried out..
In some countries, the intended parents must be a legally married couple, in others, they can be single men. In other countries, there may be age limits and a medical certificate accounting for their inability to bear a child.
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General information for women who want to become a surrogate
To become a surrogate, you must comply with certain requisites depending on the country where the process it carried out.
The usual requisites in all the countries where surrogacy motherhood is legal are: – To be between 20 and 40 years old. – To be in excellent physical and mental health state – To have at least one child or her own – Not to have any chronic health condition or sexually transmitted diseases.
It is very important that the surrogate counts on psychological counselling during all the surrogacy process in order to maintain her good mental health state.
On the other side, helping another person to have his/ her child is one of the most rewarding experiences in life and it will create beautiful bonds similar to none.

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